Many people go to the gym everyday with the desire to get a smashing toned up body. The current society has encouraged this norm in terms of dating and general socializing. You do not have to think through what pick up lines to use on girls these days, pack up on nice sexy abs, and she will come over to you just like that! Therefore, working up a sweat on the bench press pays off handsomely anytime. The physical pain is immediately brushed aside with the presence of hot chics just dying to talk to you, and hope you take them with you. It is so much fun to have ripped up muscles, and a firm bulged up body that screams yeah… I’m the boss. Therefore, bench presses do you a great favour in the end.
These things include:
- Your confidence increases
- Women will set off a chat with you
- You become popular with the girls wherever you go
- You improve your game with each body building achievement
The Critical Bench 2.0 program is a comprehensive training program that was created by Mike Westerdal. This eBook helps you to maximize your workout goals in the shortest time possible. It has practical systematic techniques that guide you through your daily training workout program. The concepts outlined in the book will help you achieve the following:
- Variety in your training that stimulates your workouts and reduces boredom
- Progressive Overloads - Every week you will be provided with heavier weights and reps to use all through the bench press
- High Intensity Training -To get you out of your comfort zone
- Rest & Muscle Recovery - This program is designed to break days apart to ensure that all the muscles involved in the bench press have fully recovered by your next work out.
- Training for Strength - The Critical Bench Program merges power lifting and bodybuilding methods in one program. to give you both size and strength.
The Critical Bench Regimen
A) Following Your Program It is compulsory that you follow all your workouts exactly as written in the Critical Bench Program. Every day you should finish every set for each exercise before going on to the next exercise. Your major lifts for each muscle set will remain the same every week but you have a choice to select your own alternative exercises during different phases of the program.
B) Choosing Your Workout Days
The Critical Bench program is divided into a seven-day period as follows:
- Day-1 chest
- Day-2 Legs
- Day-3 Back
- Day-4 Shoulders
- Day-5 Arms
- Day-6 Off
- Day-7 Off
This clearly indicates a 5-day workout program and two rest days in a week. Each day you specifically work on one muscle area.
Flat Bench Lower 1/2 Reps: This exercise relieves you from being stuck at the bottom of a rep. lower the weight, then lifts it a few inches off your chest and lowers it again. Use lightweight for higher reps on your week 5 de-load week.
Flat Bench Upper 1/2 Reps: Some people have trouble locking out at the top due to the triceps. This exercise helps you lock out when you are using heavier weight. Lower the bar slightly down and push it upwards locking out at the top. This exercise is best done with lighter weight for higher reps.
Burn out Sets: Do a burn out set after completing your three main sets using the same warm up weight. Aim for 10-to15 reps use a heavier set every week for your burn out set. You don’t really have to do this but it will help you to over-train without hurting yourself.
C) Choosing Supplemental Exercises: Each time your program allows you to opt for a supplemental exercise, do not choose the same work out every week. Attempt to mix it up, and do not do the same supplemental exercise two weeks in a row.
D) Stretching & Warm up on Chest Days: By warming up your muscles, you keep your joints fresh and avoid injuries. Warming up helps, you prepare for a busy bench days. Stretching and warm up on your chest days is very crucial to your success.
E) Speed of Movement: Lowering and lifting of any weight must be a guarded motion. Full range of movement is vital. Lower and extend the weight for each exercise completely. When you contract muscles in any work out, compress the muscle before the next repetition. Lift slow, firm, and in a controlled manner for your support exercises to gain strength faster even with less weight. With the bench press, control the weight, but lift explosively as you press.
F) Rest between Your Sets: The bench press exercise should take half an hour to complete. You are training for strength, so you must rest for long periods between sets. Wait until your heartbeat is steady, and your breathing has returned to normal. Drink water after each set. You cannot rush the bench press. Remember you are lifting heavy and need to recover your strength before the next set. Do a minimum of 3-5 minutes between each set.
G) Repetition Range: The Critical Bench program provides a range of reps to perform in each set of the bench press. Try to complete all the reps, if you need help on a rep, it should be during your last rep of the set. You must apply the assumption of progressive overloads in all other exercises. Record all your lifts in a diary to track your progress.
H) Training Partner: For maximum training and motivation, get hold of a quality-training partner. Below are some advantages of lifting with a partner.
- For competition, motivation and encouragement
- A training partner provides negative resistance and helps you with forced reps, and accomplishes muscular failure
- You work as a team on shared spots
- Helps you keep time and training schedules
- You communicate to them how much assistance you prefer.
Training partners may not be permanent so learn to depend on yourself. A group of 3-4 people assures you that someone will be there to help you.
Building muscle requires a lot of exercising and energy to build tissue. The main energy source for muscle- building exercise is carbohydrates. The longer the duration of your workout, the more carbs your muscles need to store. Most people need to consume 500-600 carbs a day to enhance muscles. Protein is the essential muscle-building component for muscle tissue, and it is required in higher amounts especially for strength-training exercises. Your body requires 1.5 grams of protein for every pound of bodyweight to build muscle. To keep your heart healthy, consume fats from nuts and seeds, coconut oil, and dairy fats.
Many people have benefited from the Critical Bench Program and have shared their progress and advice on the Critical Bench forum. This comprehensive program is a great resource hub for anyone who desires success on how to increase bench press and the ultimate ripped up body that will drive all the women nuts! Invest in the Critical Bench 2.0 program today for the ultimate challenge in muscle building.